NDIS Self & Plan managed order instructions

Review our store and select your items. 

Decide what you'd like to order, including any sizes where applicable.

Send us an email with your details:

  • Name
  • Mobile number
  • Email address
  • Delivery address
  • Product list (with sizes)
  • NDIS participant name and number

We'll send you an invoice. 

This will include shipping costs and be sent to your email address. You can forward it to your Plan Manager if needed.

Pay the invoice within 7 days. 

Use the order number as your reference when making the payment (bank details are on the invoice).

We'll process and ship your order after receiving payment. 

You'll receive an email notification when your order is being processed and shipped.

Alternatively, order and pay online. 

We have an online store where you can directly purchase items and receive a Tax Invoice for claiming funding.

Please fill in your NDIS & order details below: